Aid For Africa is a partnership of over 80 US-based nonprofit organizations, all of which are dedicated to combating the intricate and interconnected problems facing Africa today.  The organization serves as a forum for member organizations to share ideas, projects, and results in order to create a streamlined and efficient system of communication and action. They use education to create public awareness about the environmental, social, and medical issues that challenge much of Africa today.

In addition, Aid for Africa administers the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), the world’s largest and most successful annual workplace charity campaign, on behalf of partner organizations, like ARC. Through the CFC, pledges can be made to Aid For Africa and its partner organizations by federal civilian, postal, and military donors between September 1st and December 15th of each year.

Since 1961, federal employees have raised over $6 billion through the CFC, to benefit charitable organizations like ARC. During the last CFC campaign, ARC received nearly $8,000 in pledges – more than double from the previous year!  If you are a federal employee and wish to donate to ARC by giving pre-tax deductions from you paycheck, please visit our Aid For Africa member page to learn more, and note that our CFC# is 46974.