Where Does The Money Go?
The Tanzania Forest Conservation Group (TFCG) is founded upon unrestricted funding provided by the the African Rainforest Conservancy (ARC), in the US, and the African Rainforest Trust (ART), its sister organization in the UK. The TFCG calls the ARC/ART its bedrock, as it has been able to grow its village network from one village to over 260 over the past two decades and its budget to a level that averages over $3 million per year.
The critical unrestricted funding provided by ARC allows the TFCG:
- To meet small % requirements for matching funding for multi-million $ grants
- A degree of security and stability between grant cycles from the EU, UK, Switzerland and others who fund large programs
- Resources to bring in professional grant writers to access large grants
- To retain staff who excel, even when project funding ends
- To maintain a presence in sensitive areas between project cycles
- To respond to opportunities and critical situations as they arise
- To remain true to its mission even when these differ from current funding ‘trends’
- To try new approaches more experimental than large donors are ready to finance